-I woke up, got ready, took Sarah home, and went to church. I should have paid better attention in church so I can say what Fr. Dennis talked about. Then Maria and I helped with the pancake breakfast which is a fundraiser for the youth attending NCYC this fall.
-Maria, my mom, Grandma, and I made a trip to Target. The weather was really frustrating and caused tension and worry to run high. I ended up being glad that we sat and waited for the rain to pass. Sipping a Starbuck's Carmel frappe and blueberry muffin can improve any situation. And just reading the words on the bag "flavors my senses. sweetens my disposition. stirs my imagination. nourishes my dreams." made me happy and feel at peace and want to be a part of something big and helpful.
-Josue came over and hung out. We watched She's the Man and The Longest Yard and talked and hung out with Maggie and ate pizza. I like that I can make him smile.
-I attempted to blog, but just didn't have it in me and went to bed.
Monday August 8:
-Aerobics today was tough. No one seemed to have the want or the energy to work out on a Monday. Besides Amy who I can always seem to count on to be peppy and excited.
-I came home to find my mom still in bed so I crawled in with her and fell asleep. When she went to exercise class, she piled the pillows and blankets against my back where her back had been and I slept just as well. I love my mom and her understanding of naps.
-My mom and I registered Maria and I for school. It was bitter
-Then we met Kim at the pool. My mom had to leave soon for the dentist, so I spent the afternoon floating around the pool and conversing with Kim. About school and differences among classes and their trip to the lake and divorce and the scary bugs near by.
-At home I worked on going through my closet and finding things to throw away and blogged.
-Tonight at practice we got our jerseys and bags and warm ups and pictures taken. Then we ran and did one drill until it was time for hills. It was a frustrating practice, and left me feeling anxious and grumpy.
-I came home and curled up on the couch porch with Maggie. Petting her until I calmed down. Then I read aloud three chapters of Shauna Niequist's Bittersweet to Maggie. Tonight was definitely a Shauna Niequist reading night. I like her honest, meaningful words embedded with stories and advice. I like the way they sound out loud and the way Maggie sat still the whole time and seemed to listen (with the exception of every time I took my hand off of her to turn the page she nudged my hand with her head).
-I continued to relax and breathe and calm down with a hot shower and sweet text from my Aunt Chel just to remind me that she loves me.
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