June 14, 2012

Getting there... eventually

Here is more of my life..

Tuesday April 22 and Thursday April 24 I had two scholarship interviews. One was for the Anna Wilson scholarship and one for the CHS Alumni scholarship. They both intimidated me, though the three interviewers at both of them were all very kind. I would just rather explain myself in writing than speaking, but I guess it was good practice.


Wednesday April 25 Clancy and I went out to dinner at Steak n Shake. Then we drove to Western Boone High School for an induction ceremony to the West Central Indiana Technical Honor Society. We both got in to this through our health careers class. It was fun watching a video put together by one of the broadcasting vocational classes highlighting the different classes available. When the kids came to our class to take photos we had a lot of fun showing all of the different things we have learned like taking blood pressures and giving shots to our dummy arm. We were also proud of our teacher Mrs. Guard who got a very deserved recognition/award at the ceremony.

Saturday April 28 Josue, my dad, and I went to the Lord's Pantry to volunteer. I'm always happy when I wake up early to go help with my dad, and even happier when Josue joins us. Then that evening I worked. At first I drove two of the other employees to the boy's and girl's club. Then found out that wasn't where I was supposed to be so I had to go to the Athen's art gallery for their gala. I was glad I worked that event. Though my forearm was sore, it was fun serving strawberry agua fresca and mock champagne and wearing a single white glove. There were so many people it was hard to maneuver around them, but it was fun. Made me feel like a party/event that would be on Gossip Girl.

Sunday April 29 was the last lifeteen (our youth group) night of this year. It was senior night. While the younger kids ate downstairs like we all usually do, we had a fancy home cooked meal with chicken and potatoes and salad and pie. It was yummy and fun to eat together. Then we all talked about college and future plans and expectations and one of the kids who graduated last year, Angel, was there joining us to talk about his experience and for us to ask questions. He is so joyful and it made the night even more fun. Talking about trying to keep your faith and not let it slip away during college made me feel even more sure that I made the right choice to go to SLU. At NCYC it's always so cool going from a small town with few Catholics to thousands of teenagers from all over the United States that are all Catholic! It makes me think that SLU might be similar, being a Catholic Jesuit school with a beautiful cathedral. We also had a foot washing ceremony and received cards and a candle from the younger kids and other youth leaders.

Monday April 30 Michael picked me up from school and we drove right to Indianapolis. We met Lexie and Maria, and not long after headed to the student center (? or some other building..) at IUPUI. While we waited we listened to a local band that I can't say I cared much for. Then Blake came! Blake Mycoskie (the founder/chief shoe giver of TOMs) came to talk. It was awesome and crazy seeing and hearing him in person. I loved the stories he told and the excitement and joy in his voice as he shared them with us. It is an amazing story and company that gives a pair of shoes to a child in need for every shoe purchased. They have also recently expanded to eyewear and giving sight to people in need. He was so genuine and happy! I wish I could have listened to him the entire evening.

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