July 19, 2012

More May Days

Saturday May 19 I woke up early to go with my mom to yoga. She usually goes weekly, and I love to tag along every chance I get. When we got there, we ended up being the only ones to show up! It was so peaceful and felt so good on my body. I love Diane the instructor and the way she pushes you and helps you stretch and the way she calmly talks and soothes your mind-reminded you to always breathe. Then at the end we lay on our mats and close our eyes while Diane covers us with blankets and a lavender eye patch. It is so good and so relaxing for my entire self, body, and mind.

When we got home there was a surprise at our house. Maggie had a friend! A little stray dog was just hanging out with Maggie. It was so funny to see the small guy follow her around. She would run and chase the soccer ball and he would try to keep up the pace chasing after Maggie. I really just wanted to keep him. But couldn’t because he had a collar and belonged to someone. However, a few hours later he had left our house and we saw the animal shelter van picking him up down the street. I was pretty upset by this and wished we just would have kept the little guy.

Josue came over and helped Dan paint the shed. It looks much better with a new coat of paint. But as they were working my Grandpa came over. We thought he was coming to help out, which he ended up doing. He loves to paint and is very good at it- he couldn’t stay away. He taught me to paint when I lived with them. We painted a bookstand and my Grandma’s old chair from the well baby clinic. But anyways. My grandpa also came over to deliver some sad news. Our good friend Mae Pinkstaff had passed away that morning. She was 97 years old! Before recently moving to a nursing home she lived in my grandparents neighborhood. We used to always walk up the hill and go visit her. All of my family (grandparents, mom, siblings, aunts, cousins) loved to listen to her stories and eat Hershey kisses she always shared with us. While it is sad that she has passed away, the last time I had recently visited broke my heart more than hearing this news. She was not her self and was very confused and upset thinking there was poison all over the place that needed cleaned up and asking where her husband (who died before I remember) was because she hadn’t seen him that day. I am happy and relieved to know she is no longer in that condition. But she is and will continue to be missed by many. An incredible woman with a big heart.

Tuesday May 22 we had our very last health careers breakfast. I made and brought a yummy fruit pizza. I have loved breakfast days in this class-everyone brings really good food. The class was one of my favorites ever. I loved the people and the content and the teacher and the set up (it shared a building with the st. Claire neighborhood clinic and was composed of students from 3 different high schools) and I loved clinicals a lot and also volunteering at the developmental preschool.

Wednesday May 23 I had period 6 and 7 finals. For me this meant turning in an economics paper then playing (but mostly watching from the playing field) ultimate Frisbee. Then working on the yearbook and eating an ice cream cake from DQ.
Thursday May 24 was a good day. I showed up in a vneck and Nike drifits (we aren’t allowed to wear shorts to school) and so did Hannah! I was happy our minds were thinking alike and feeling a little on the rebellious edge. I went to health careers in the morning where we played minute to win it games and watching youtube videos. When class ended Clancy and I wasted no time leaving for Lafayette. We went to Plato’s Closet and both bought some dresses then took a quick stop at the mall to Auntie Ann’s Pretzels for lunch and to look for graduation shoes.

Friday May 25 was my very last day of high school. Ever. I got there earlier than I ever had before for breakfast with my English honors class. Not nearly as good as a health careers breakfast-but that’s okay. Then we took turns presenting our senior projects. The assignment was basically just do something that interests you/learn something new/challenge yourself that you can show or explain to the class. It was cool to see all of the different things people ended up doing like a spray paint picture, learning to alter clothes, learning poker, making paper and then a book, a painting, and a presentation about one of the victims from the Columbine shooting. I did a pencil drawing that I was really proud of. I took a picture and doubled it by drawing one inch squares on the pictures and two inch squares on my paper. Then I did the picture square by square. This helped the accuracy so that I drew lines and shading rather than a tree or a house. I had never drawn a picture of myself and I really struggled with the face. But that’s okay. I also had my 4th and 5th period finals which were my student assistant period spent working on the yearbook and my sociology final which was opinionated essays about the societies each group had previously created and presented.

Both Friday and Saturday nights were spent attending various friends’ open houses with Hilary and Colby. I was really happy to go with them, because it is awkward just going alone. But mostly because Hilary and I don’t like to stay long or talk to lots of people. But we do like to look at all the pictures and eat food. It worked out really well. I like dressing nice and seeing all of my friends at their own open house and all of their accomplishments and memorabilia and whateves.

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