June 25, 2011

"A hop and a skip and a jump!"

I had good intentions of waking up early this morning to go with my dad to The Lord's Pantry, but it just didn't happen. I really love it there and wish I was writing about the experience I had instead of the fact that I missed out. Waking up is just so hard and I needed my dad to wake me up instead of a phone alarm that could be turned off in my sleep.

When I did finally wake up I went on a run with Sarah Warner. We met kinda half way between our houses and ran around Wabash. I was proud of us. Most times we would meet and end up telling each other all of our stories while walking.

Then, Sarah, Elizabeth, and I went to Annie's house for lunch. She made us pancakes that were really good. Some were chocolate chip and some apple. I love that everyone makes pancakes differently and everyone puts different stuff inside and on top of them. I usually just eat mine with lots of chocolate chips, but no syrup or butter or anything. Then I just tear off pieces with my fingers instead of eating them with a fork. And I always drink a big glass of cold milk with them. Always.

After we ate we sat outside, because finally there was some sunshine in the sky! It felt so good but made us all sleepy. We talked a lot- about boyfriends and admirers and ex-boyfriends and counselors and our summers so far and pets and such. I love spending time with my friends when we just talk. Annie is going to Colorado until August and I'm oh so glad we got to hang out with her before she left, I wish we would have more before. She is so such a kind-hearted free spirit. She also is a good cook and motivating about exercising and has a unique style but it is so her. She is someone who knows what they like and who they are and I love spending time with our Mama bird.

I uploaded a lot of pictures to my blog from the last 2 posts! Definitely worth scrolling down to look at. I also packed up all of my stuff at my dad's and came back home to my mom's. Then I went to Dollar Tree and Walmart and got stuff for a care package to send to Sarah Wright! I'm so excited about this. But instead of starting it tonight, I went to a bonfire at the Lights. Tyler and Derrick and Kelly and Bean and Colby and Hilary and I sat around the fire and roasted marshmellows and told stories of camping and summer and college registrations and cross country. The rest left, but Hilary and Colby and I stayed and hung out a while. Spending time with them always makes me laugh and I'm so thankful to be friends with them.

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