June 5, 2011

Counting my Blessings

This morning I went to church with my dad and sister. We were a little late because of Maria and I which probs didn't make my dad happy, but we made it. All of the pews seemed to be full. I like it when there is a full crowd. Usually I go to 5pm mass on Sunday for the youth and it is very scarce. Now that it is summer though, we only have one mass on Sunday morning at 9:30. Instead of saying a homily, Father Dennis played a video from the seminary. I was a little down by this because I really enjoy his homilies. They are easier to pay attention to, so usually when I don't understand/pay good attention to the readings, I understand the message when he explains it. I also like that he always opens with some sort of personal story that relates and ties in so well. But I still got stuff out of the video. I realized the importance of the seminary and the priesthood and how demanding that vocation is. I also realized the power of prayer time and time again.

In my own life I connected this to Team CILT. We made a facebook group of all the 2010 CILTs and continue to keep in touch after a year has gone by. I love knowing that if I post a prayer or a thought on that page it will not be unnoticed. Someone will always pray for my request. It also feels good to have the backs of others and pray for them. No one is worried about being judged or discriminated. I love that everyone is able to be open and honest. Team CILT is full of acts of love as well as creative, thoughtful, inspiring people. I am so blessed to be a part of it and continue to grow in faith and bond with these people.

For most of the afternoon I slept off and on. I wasn't even necessarily tired, but it felt so good. I am definitely a talented napper in the fact that I can fall asleep very easily during the day. Time and time again.

Around five my dad gave me money to take my little sister to Little Mexico. I asked my friend Sarah to join, even though she'd already eaten. I told her my sister and I just needed some life in us and personality which she is full of. She has such a lovable spirit and seemed happy to join us. I was right-spending time with her helped immensely. Sarah has been my very best friend for over a year. Sometimes people are friends because they enjoy the same things, sometimes because they are opposites, sometimes because they understand each other. Sarah and I are best friends for all of those reasons and many more. We even know each other better than our own selves do sometimes. At dinner the three of us ate way too many chips and talked about how we are picky eaters. It turns out Maria and Sarah shared a lot of tricks to get out of eating their food when they were little. Today though we all ate all of our food. Maria her cheese quesedilla and Sarah and I our cheese nachos.

We also talked about sports and Maria coming to the high school next year. We all laughed a lot-especially when Maria made the same comment Mrs. Ballenger did about a painting at Little Mexico "she has huge thighs!"

The remaining of the day seemed to take another turn. There were some quarrels among my dad, sister, and I. I understand that that is a part of life, but I really hate when things like that happen. I also realize more and more the importance of communication in a relationship. Any relationship- with a friend, a boyfriend or girlfriend, a parent, a sibling, a teacher, and even God. Our family seems to be lacking in communication, and I hope to see things improve. I love each member of my family so much.

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