February 27, 2012

Happy birthday!

I love my family. My parents and siblings and my dog and grandparents and aunts and uncles and every single cousin. They are of utmost importance in my life.

And today one of them is celebrating her birthday! And it just so happens that she is one of my biggest most loyal blog followers. When I'm slacking, she reminds me that I haven't written anything in a while and it reassures me that while my blog is ultimately for myself to write and reflect, it is also to share. And for others to stay informed and to enjoy.

My Aunt Michelle has always been an awesome aunt. (Not better than any of my others who I love equally as much. There is no comparison among family. I am so thankful for each member). But it's easy to say we are close and that she just gets things about me I guess. I love that she is always interested in my college decision and in my relationships with boys including my dad and the songs on my iPod and the books I'm reading. Since I was young she was always up for taking us to the pool and encouraging the sunshine on our skin while we spent all afternoon playing in the water. She always let's us spend the night with her which never fails to include popcorn and koolade or Popsicles. Also watching movies- especially the VHS of Harriet the Spy.

After the death of both of my grandparents, she is always quick to talk about it which is so hard to do. I know our entire family loved and missed them, but it's so nice when she outwardly tells me that I'm not alone in my sorrows.

She is also a great wife. And mom! I had so much fun staying with her this summer and spending our days with Max as Tom was in classes. She never hesitated to put Max first and satisfy him before herself. She also let me share in holding her precious bundle of joy. I can't believe he is standing on his own and walking now! I believe it though because he is being raised with such loving parents (and because of the cute videos and pictures I am sent).

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