February 26, 2012

Senior Night!

Even on our three day weekend when we had Monday off I was up early. I worked from 9:30-2:30. The lunch we served was in the Allen center. We served a Mexican buffet to prospective students, their parents, a few faculty members, & alumni. I thought it was ironic as this was just me the day before. Though I really enjoyed my lunch with Jason- Wabash definitely set up their lunch better I thought. We were just turned loose to explore all the food options and find seats and such. But Wabash had the one easy buffet table (well two) and professors sitting with the kids at each table engaging in the conversation.

When I got home I went right to work on my poster for senior night that was in just a few hours! I love making collages and I had so many pictures to try to fit onto one (smaller than normal sized) poster. I cut down each picture. And then cut them down again. But I still couldn't manage to fit them all.

I loved looking at all of the pictures I scrambled together of gymnastics over the years. They brought back so many fond memories. But my favorite were the ones from way back. In my glory days at the park and rec center. If only I never quit...

After about an hour, lots of rubber cement, and some gold glitter glue it was finished! I laid books on the pictures so they dried straight and stuck well. I even had enough time to spare for a quick nap!

When we got to our meet we stretched like we always do. But this time when we walked out it was a little different. It was the county meet so Crawfordsville walked out first. Then North. Then South. But Sami and I stayed behind. We were announced separately and escorted by our parents. Marka had tears as she said such kind words about both Sami and I.

The meet overall went really well! For all of us. My floor routine was probably the best I have ever done. I got everything! Including both of my round off back handspring back handspring passes and my gmacro. My score was also my highest which was 6.675 or something close to that. It felt so good and left me full of energy. (after I took some deep heavy breaths of course to make up for holding my breath during my routine)

My bar routine went pretty well too. Until I came around with too much momentum on my long hang on the low bar. The loud cracking sound as my hip bones hit the bar was a little much for me and I ended up falling. Twice. Both on pop-on attempts. But at least my legs were straight on my long hang. And It made for a funny picture for sure.

Even though having a crowd intimidates Sami and I, I love when my family and friends come to support me. Gymnastics meets are long and both my mom and Dan and my dad have been to almost every one. They were all at this meet. But so were some of my other friends like Josue and Marlee!

Sandy was also there!! I was so excited! We became such good friends from gymnastics. I was sad when her senior night came along and I was only a sophomore. But I was so thankful and excited that she came back! And especially to watch Sami and I on our senior night! Sandy is one of my best friends. I love hanging out with her and just talking for hours. We really are so much alike. Its like she just gets me. We are both creative and crafty and have similar morals and values and love to sing Taylor Swift! She is also so positive and encouraging. Oh! And quite a talented gymnast herself.

After the meet ended we had to put all of our equipment away including the floor (2 different layers of about 50 boards of plywood and big carpet rolls). Then they announced the scores and awards. And we beat north! Not only that. But we got 92. something points! We hadn't broken our goal of 90 all year and finally did!

Before leaving, Sami and I ended up being interviewed by the paper reporters. Even though we tried to avoid it. Sami talked about how much she loves the girls on the team and how much fun she always has around them. I talked about how this isn't just a sports team. On the back of our shirts this year it says welcome to the family. And that is truly what the CHS gymnastics team has been to me. We get the love and support from our coaches and from each other. We laugh together and cry  and fight and cheer for each other. But ultimately it is all out of love. No one is shy or afraid to be themselves. We share lots and lots of stories- even the embarrassing ones. And we really are together and with each other even more than I am with any of my cousins or real family besides the ones I live with. Being a part of this team has taught me dedication and perseverance and what it means to have heart for something and put it into your work. It has also taught me to get along well with each other and to be honest and to be positive and uplifting.

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