February 7, 2012

Just some thoughts

The last time I blogged, I was getting pretty down on things and running low on my patients. But this are getting back to normal. After a receiving a kind Facebook message from a friend and making spontaneous plans to hang out with a friend last minute on Friday night, things started to turn around.

But before things got better, they got sad. I knew our elderly neighbor who we call grandpa just hadn't been doing well. He has been in ICU at the hospital and really struggling. He passed away Friday morning. Even though we knew his time was coming, my heart broke when my dad told me. It was good that he went to a better place and was no longer suffering on pain, but I was so saddened for his wife. I couldn't imagine losing my husband. I know it really upset her to see him like that in the hospital, and especially to not be able to help him, but I hope and pray that she can remember all of the fond memories over the years of their lives together rather than those painful last images of him. They were the sweetest, kindest people and truly were like a third set of grandparents to us.

Friday night at Sami's house was south fun. Even though we just kinda hung out in her room and watched House Bunny it was good to be able to talk to her and to laugh and to sip on our vanilla cokes from Dari Licious. It was also reassuring seeing all of the happy, laughing friends that her parents had over. I was so thankful to hang out with her.

Then we woke up bright and early for an invitational on Saturday. Waking up early was hard enough. But this was the meet I most dreaded. It was hosted by Lafayette Jeff. In their gym which is at an old elementary school. And tiny. And crammed. And the bars hardly tighten when we put them on our setting. It's awful. There's not enough room for the equipment or judges tables, let alone for the fifteen teams present and even just our parents. With so many teams it took forever even though it moved at a fast pace. We left CHS at 8am and didn't return until 5:30. I went the whole meet only on the cinnamon melt I ate for breakfast from McDonald's , some popcorn Graysen had left over, and some grapes.

Then we worked the concession stand as a team for the basketball game. We were all very tired and sore and ready to go home. But we kept busy with customers and shared stories and did a fine job.

Instead of going right home, I went to josue's house and hung out. We watched Shrek. And we both still laugh at it. But I didn't stay once it was over because I needed to get some sleep.

Sunday morning while the rest of my family went to mass, I hung out at home. I opened up to Josue and told him everything from my week. It was so nice to just get it out. And to smooth over misunderstandings and hurt feelings between him and I the pas week.

I also showered and painted my toenails and fingernails and got all of my laundry washed. It felt so nice to be clean (not that I'm often dirty) and on top of everything. Then I worked on an English paper that was kind of due last Monday.

I took a break for some fun. I picked up Sarah and we went to my dads house to make sugar cookies for valentines day! My dad made and chilled the dough already. So Sarah and I just used the different shaped heart cookie cutters and cut out a ton of cookies.

Then we made frosting (my grandma Demeter's frosting which is the wry best) and decorated the cookies!! The very best part. It was so much fun.And they all looked so good.

Before leaving my dads house, my dad and I went to my neighbors house to give her a card and out condolences. It was so sad. She told us that they were married for 58 years. That is so great. And inspiring and cute.

With plates of decorated cookies, Sarah and I left and went back to my moms house to watch last weeks episode of gossip girl and catch Sarah up.

We got done just in time for me to change clothes, pick up Josue, and make it to church on time. I was happy he came with me and that I didn't have to sit alone.

The Super Bowl started and I was sitting in my room trying to finish up that essay. Ugh. But I think I finally did it.

Then about halftime I went out to the living room. I joined my mom and Dan who had just gotten home from the friends and Josue who came over to watch the end of the game together. I was happy to hang out with him again.

Monday in clinicals I was in the ER. And though again I wish I could write about it, I cant. But I did see first hand just how connected the hospital is. I figured it was very separate and each different unit was isolated. But that is far from the opposite. Many of the different areas (radiology, lab, cardiopulmonary) all must work together and sometimes on the same patients. I thought that is so cool because it is like one big team and everyone must do their part.

Before going to practice, Maria and I went to our neighbor Grandpas viewing . When we got in line and made it to grandma at the front, I wanted to tell her how great of a man her husband was. I wanted to tell her he was no longer suffering and in a better place. I wanted to be strong and supportive for her. But my eyes just filled with tears. But I know it is okay to cry and it is okay to be sad. Especially during a death.

Practice was so great. There were only three of us and it was so chill and laid back. And we went to watch Marka and Kim's nephew(?) wrestle. He is 5. And it was presh. I also got my pop-ons pretty solid and worked on connecting my bar routine and pausing less.

Then after practice Sarah came over and we watched Gossip Girl. And it was good! And we got my mom and sister and all talked on the couch. Mostly about funny injuries that had happened to each of us from our younger days. And she spent the night. Because she didn't have morning swim practice and I didn't have homework. What a great night.

Today is Tuesday. And health careers was good. Because it always is. But because we talked about death within clinicals and how death is a part of life and that we must accept it. It was good for me to hear this with my neighbor's recent death that has been on my mind.

Then fourth period when I'm a student assistant for Mrs. Harms was just what I needed. Not only did she listen to me about all of the ridiculous assignments my english teacher piled on us today, but she helped me with it! She helped me line by line understand a Shakespeare sonnet and a second time so I could take notes. We also talked about divorce and going back and forth and i told her how while she is a teacher, it is obvious that first she is a mom and that she cares about her students and about helping them along.

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