February 21, 2012

Life lately

Last night I went to bed happy and I'm pretty sure I woke up even happier! I have just been my high-spirited self today and it's been so great! I am so excited to finally blog! Though I have a lot of catching up to do.

Saturday February 11 I picked up Sami and Laci and drove to Lafayette. The car ride and filling up my gas tank was full of struggles that they helped me overcome and laughed- about like not ever knowing when to turn. And having to switch lanes. We went to Mcallister's first for lunch. I love both of them and was so so happy that our plans made on a whim actually happened and weren't just an idea!

Then we went to the mall. Not long after we got there Laci's parents picked her up to watch her sister's singing performance. Sami and I were left by ourselves to walk around. For two very indecisive people we did pretty good. But before Laci returned we ended up sitting on the bench and waiting. We got worn out and had been to every store that we shop at. I left the mall with a new dress which I'm very excited to wear, fun teal sunglasses, a necklace, and the last part of Josue's valentine's days stuff.

February 14 was a Tuesday and was Valentine's Day! Though I was exhausted and still not feeling very well after getting home from our Morristown meet the day before at 11:30pm, Josue came over. We exchanged gifts and watched tv. I made him a scrapbook of us and gave him a stuffed animal dog and candy. In addition to the dozen red roses he had sent to school, he gave me a cd he made, a black teddy bear, a picture frame with us, dove chocolate, and perfume from Express. Very sweet.

Friday February 17 we didn't have practice after school- but we had concessions. It was senior night for the cheerleaders, dance team, and boys' basketball and we worked the concession stand during the basketball game. It was long and a few times people had to wait a while for their popcorn. But I'd say we are pretty good.

Then we all drove around a while in the country passing time. Because we were going to see The Vow! We just had a little extra time before it started. It was so sad but so sweet. I love Channing Tatum and his character in the movie. He is just so charming and romantic and can dance and is so handsome.

After the movie we all went back to Sami's for the night. It was so much fun getting to hang out with all the girls on the team outside of just practice.

Waking up the next morning was hard. But we had to be at the school by 7am. We had another invite at Lafayette Jeff. In their tiny gym. And we had to do it without Ally because she got sick. :( Poor girl. We were also all on edge about getting sick after spending the night with her. But for the most part everyone seemed to really step up and improve their scores. I got my best vault score. And also did really well in warm ups. But not so well when I competed bars and floor. But that's alright.

On our way home we stopped at the mall to eat. Then went back to the high school to set up the floor. I just don't know what I'm going to do when gymnastics is over. I'm used to spending atleast half of my weekend with the team! Josue came with to help set the floor up as did Dan. It was nice having extra hands. But its also nice bringing an outsider in to see what all we have to do. Because setting everything up takes a while.

Josue stayed at my house for dinner then we watched the movie Courageous with my mom and Dan. It was so intense and made me really appreciate my family. Family really is so important to me.

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