February 21, 2012

Xavier preview day

Sunday I didn't get to sleep in again. My mom, Dan, and I left our house at 6:30 and drove to Cincinnati to a preview day at Xavier. I slept almost the whole way in the back seat. Until a nosebleed woke me up. Somehow it didn't get on my white northface at all! I was so thankful.

When we got there we walked around a little while inside of Cintas-the basketball arena and ate yummy cookies and saw the Raters family. Then we went inside the arena and sat down with all of the other prospective students and their parents. Two men spoke about Xavier and what sets them apart from other similar schools.

Then the parents were dismissed. This is when I started to get nervous. But then Morgan and I made eye contact across the rows and met in the middle. To our dismay we were released to mock class rooms that were assigned to us on our agendas. I was anxious to leave the one person I knew and to be going to a history class. But before my small group even left Cintas, I walked next to a friendly face. I don't even remember what he said to me, but I am so thankful for whatever it was. Jason and I walked side by side the whole walk through the cold wind to the LCL where our class was. We sat at a table together as we listened to the professor tell us what we can do with a history major and a lesson about the Lowell factory workers?

When we walked out of the LCL on our way to a residence hall, the automatic door suddenly slammed shut as I was walking out. It was heavy too. Luckily I didn't have to relive that embarrasing moment twice that day. Jason made sure of that. He held open every door we walked through for me. We were both confused why they would make us walk through the chilly campus, talk to us about how the residence hall that we were standing inside of the doors of was one of the nicest on campus, yet we didn't go look at it. Even if there was an option to see them later what was the point of walking there?

Then we went to brunch in their cafeteria place. It was kind of intimidating just being let lose. But Jason and I stayed together. During part of our meal we were also joined by Joe-someone from his school. But it wasn't for very long. Jason and I talked about the sports we are involved in and the channels the tvs were turned to (cartoon network and nick?) and traveling and our schools and high school relationships and about ski-on-neon and temple run (of course he was much better at them than me).

Next we went to "the pointy building. The one with the clock. That pointy one right over there" for a session about studying abroad. Mostly two guys told about their experiences and then answered general questions about it. Morgan was also here with us.

We weren't really sure where to go from here. Well I wasn't. But Jason and I walked back to Cintas and waited for our parents to get done with their session. I met his mom and then we went our separate ways. It is sad that the chance of both of us going to Xavier is really slim. It was just so nice having someone to spend the day with and someone so nice. Even though I like having people to talk to, I'm way too shy to initiate any conversations and was so happy he did. It was also nice because I kept us on schedule with my agenda and he found our way around.

My mom, Dan, and I went to one last session. We could choose where we wanted to go depending on my major. We just want to one for undecided. Well. Basically a lady told us that being "undecided" means "you haven't decided" on your "major" yet. (I don't know why she would use air quotes when saying these but she did. Then again I don't know why you would spend a whole session discussing this.) She also reassured us that it is okay to not know what we want to go into our freshman year and that we can take the general requirements and then get into whatever interests us.

Overall, I wasn't impressed with the day. Most of the information I could have read online. Plus everything was so gray. The sky mostly. But also inside of the pale brick buildings. It is also so isolated. I've heard so much about Cincinnati, but saw nothing of the wonderful city. It just didn't compare much to Saint Louis University which was sunny and warm and full of happy students on the campus when I visited. Not to mention gorgeous!

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