October 25, 2011

Oct 20-23

A little time has passed already. But I want to write about last weekend before even more time passes. All I have wanted to do for a while is write. And I keep getting more and more writing projects in school. But they just aren't satisfying my desire. I just want to blog. And now I finally have some time. Yay!

Last week we had Friday off for parent teacher conferences/meet the teacher night. So our weekend started on Thursday. After school I was ready for my nap. But instead, Josue came over and watched The Proposal with me and Maggie.

Then he left, I packed a bag, and went to Grace's for the night. She had an extravagant scavenger hunt planned for us. But half of the girls weren't able to come until late due to work and a volleyball game. So we didn't get to do it. Grace and I were both bumming. But hopefully this just gives us even more incentive to all get together again to hang out. Instead, we ate lots of food and watched The Office and laughed and talked and played with her crazy kitten, Milo, and had a back-massage line. We also played wii, and all got dominated by Megan. Especially me. We all slept in one really big room. Most of us on the floor. I slept by Grace and she worked patiently with me trying to teach me how to talk in her voice where she turns her lips downward into a frown. It makes me and everyone else laugh and laugh. I still have a long way to go. We also agreed to start watching The Office together and read funny facebook stats until I fell asleep. Oh! And she asked me to take her senior pictures! Well in the spring. I'm just so excited! Because well I really love Grace and she's so sweet and I also really love photography and am so happy she thinks I'm good enough to ask me to take her pictures!

I woke up Friday and was the last to leave. I didn't really want to leave, but I figured I should try to go home and get stuff done. I took a shower and a nap. I napped on the couch, then when Michael sat down I woke up and ran to my own bed. I slept soundly until my mom woke me up just with enough time to get ready for my interview! Thursday she emailed Kecia for me, someone my brother used to work for, and she said yes they're hiring and set up and interview.

I wore my jeans and brown sperry look a likes and a purple shirt and Maria's necklace. My mom came with me. When we walked downstairs to her office she wasn't there. But the guy that was gave me an application to fill out. I was very worried about the references and not having their addresses and phone numbers. Soon, she showed up and said don't worry about it. Then, we went upstairs to talk. We sat in the Sparks Center full of empty tables and chairs. Even though my mom assured me she wouldn't, Kecia asked me a lot of questions. She asked me to tell her about myself and what I do in my spare time and my plans for next year and if I'd had a job before and any experience with food. Somehow I thought of telling her that in my free time I like to create things-like collages of pictures. And that I've worked in a food pantry where we unload the truck, set out the food, and go through the line holding bags. Both of these were applicable to the catering job I was applying for. She said if I want it the job was mine- as long as I came out of my shell and also brought my creativity. (and as long as my background check comes back clean) I'm so excited! Although I am a little nervous that gymnastics is going to interfere with it. Yikes.

I came home to a sister in a cleaning-frenzy. Sarah wanted to carve pumpkins with us, but Maria was too focused. So Sarah picked me up and we went to the armory parking lot. We each picked out the best pumpkin we could find. One that didn't have too many spots, had a good handle, sat up by itself, and was round. We carved a circle around the handle and emptied them out first. I drew a face with hearts for eyes, a triangle nose, and big lips. Sarah didn't even get that far. But we had to clean up because we both had other plans.

I drove to Steak'n'Shake where I met Steph and Sam. As I was getting out of my car they told me that there was a long wait. So we decided to go to Applebee's. Hannah and Alex and Erin met us there. I am so happy and thankful that even though they are in college, we still continue to hang out. I love my friends. We talked a little bit about where Hannah and I were applying to and how high school was going and a lot about Steph and her boys throughout the year. There is never a dull moment hanging out with Hannah, Steph, and Alex.

I got back home and learned that Sarah didn't end up following through with her earlier plans of going to the football game. And boy was I glad! So she came over. I haven't had as much Sarah time as I am used to. It's sad. But when we do hang out I love it. She is so happy and full of life. We sat on my bed for a while as she tried to convince me to get a twitter.

Then, we got up and drove downtown. My friend Dom was playing at Alan's Country Kitchen (previously The Patch of Blue Denim and before that Moondance and before that Campbells) We weren't really sure what that meant and were a little skeptical of what we were going to. Neither of us were hungry and we didn't want to stay for the whole thing and we just didn't know. When we walked in he was right there and smiled at me as he continued to play. At the table right in front of them was my friend Kara! She graduated last year, so I'm very sad to not spend every 7th period with her anymore. We sat down at the table with Kara and Christian and Josh and listened to Dom and his friend play and sing. I wish that my back wasn't facing Dom. When we would get to talking at the table I would forget that the great music I was listening to was being played live right behind me-and by one of my very good friends! He is so passionate about his music and it is really obvious when you hear it. He is so good. I love it. He used to send me recorded clips of it and I would save them and listen to them on my phone all of the time. Before we left, I asked if I should write him a note to put in his open guitar case. I didn't have anything, but Kara dug and found a little piece of paper in her purse and eyeliner. So that's what I wrote it in. I placed it along with a dollar in the case and gave Sarah a dollar to put in too. When we walked out I smiled at him again and he said thanks for coming and that he liked my shirt. He really is so sweet.

Sarah stayed for a little bit, but agreed with the rest of my family that I needed to go to bed early and left. I tried.

Saturday morning I woke up early and drove to the high school for the ACTs. I thought they were really challenging and hardly had time to finish any of the sections. It's just so long anyways. I can only sit there and concentrate and try for so long.

I took a shower, ate some lunch, and then Josue came over. My mom took pictures of us outside. I was sad that we didn't have any small trees with rich fall colors, but we found one that worked in my neighbor's yard. I just really wanted an excuse to wear my hat really. We also played soccer with Maggie and laughed as Dan tried to and we watched tv. Then he left and I left for my dad's.

I said hello to my dad and dropped my sister and my bags off and drove down Main Street to babysit. I hadn't been called to babysit for a long time and was pretty excited. When I got there Andrea introduced me to the kids and showed me around the house. Telling me things like how to make Grant's bottle and that Alayna is asking for help when she says, "Me help you." I started to feed Grant as they walked out the door. During the evening I changed two dirty diapers and a wet pull-up, made two bottles, and helped with Nick Jr.com. Nathan was able to take care of himself and stayed occupied by watching tv and playing x-box. Alayna was a picky eater and didn't eat her original dinner but did have jello and applesauce and ice cream. She was occasionally fussy, but most of the night she spent playing on the computer. Grant was by my side the whole time, and sometimes in my arms. I watched him to keep him out of trouble and played with him. We played with plastic food from a kitchen set that was mine when I was younger, read books, and played with other toys. I was amazed that even though his balance was off a little he was able to walk really well and never hurt himself when he stumbled and fell. I was relieved when Andrea and Matt returned. Not that I was ready to give up the kids, but I was exhausted. It takes so much work being a mom, I am realizing that more and more. I couldn't imagine having a kid as a teenager. As much as a joy and love that kids are, it is just so much work and you really have to have a good commitment. I really have so much admiration for all of the mom's, espeically my Aunt Michelle comes to mind. I am still so thankful for the time I got to spend with her and Max this summer.

I went home and talked to my dad and sister a little while. Then I curled in bed and slept. I slept soundly until about eleven on Sunday. I woke up and my dad cooked waffles for Maria and I. After having those waffles, I never want to settle for an Eggo waffle.

My dad decided that we really just needed to get out of the house and do something. We all think this most days, but by the time we think of something to do we have run out of time normally. So we all showered, got ready, picked up Lindsay, and drove to the Covered Bridge Festival. I had never been and was very anxious to go. I enjoyed to car ride there and decided that I do like the rolling hills of Indiana with cows and corn on either side of the road. And I love the deep oranges, yellows, browns, and reds of the trees.

We finally found a place to park and walked around for a while. Maria and Lindsay went off by themselves. My dad and I walked along the path covered with interesting people and booths on both sides. None of them really caught our interest. Although we did buy a water. Then we got to more quality booths. We saw click it hot heating pads and bought a vanilla ice cream to share. I also found 2 gifts for my sunshine lady- a pumpkin container for Halloween and a snowman ornament for December. I like the crafty items like those. My dad and I also shared kettle corn as we walked back to find the girls.

We drove home with just enough time for Maria to get ready and go to church early to sing. I had plans to do homework, but ended up continuing the nap I dozed off into on the way home. I don't know if it's the sheets on the bed, or the darkness of my room, or the quiet of the house-but I sleep really well at my dad's house. Then I got up, got ready, and drove to church. In my very clean car with a recently filled tank- thanks to my dad.

At church I was scheduled for the second reader and I also filled in last minute as a Eucharistic minister.I like being involved in the ministries. I also like when Sam Rocha plays the guitar. It is so lively and fun to listen to. Father Dennis played a video as his homily that discussed the liturgical change that is going to occur universally. I'm a little unsure of it. But obviously I trust all of the people that put it together and I'm sure we'll all adapt just fine to it.

After the announcements, Sam Rocha introduced himself and told us about how he was a blogger and complied him entries into a book that brought a Catholic perspective to many worldly stuff like politics. I was so excited to hear this and thought about how it must feel to write a book! I also thought that if he could do it, surely Sarah Wright could and should. I also thought about my own self and how much I would love to. And how I have been slacking on the blog. This may have been where my recent inspiration and desire to blog derived from.

After church, I went to Lifeteen. I squeezed on the comfy couch with Angel, Tori, Cali, and Elizabeth. It makes it so much better when I have friends there and am able to hang out with them. Mrs. Warren taught and the night was focused on "God makes all things new." Or something like that. We listened to a Theology of the Body clip and I really like Jason's analogy. When a girl that had given up on herself went to him, he took out a twenty dollar bill and asked if she wanted it, she said yes. Then he crumpled it up and asked her again. She said yes, it's still worth the same amount. So he threw it to the ground and stepped on it, getting dirt on it. He asked a third time and she responded the same way saying yes-it's $20 and all you have to do is pick it up and dust it off. He said that we are the same way. Our worth and value always remains the same, even despite the bad choices we make. God always loves us and values us just as the girl recognized the worth of the twenty dollar bill. I also remembered the story I'd heard before that they told. In a foreign country the dad dropped his boy off at kindergarten, told him he loved him, and that he'd see him later. That day, an earth quake occurred and the school crumbled down. When the dad heard, he left and ran to his boy. He found the crumbled school and starting throwing chunks of concrete, for he knew his boy was in the east corner of that school somewhere. He continued to search an hour, 5 hours, 20 hours, finally 38 hours. His knuckles were ripped open and his hands bleeding. But he pulled away a piece of rock to reveal his son and 20 other live children. His dad looked up at him and said "Papi." Then turned to his classmates and said, "see. I told you my dad would come back. He promised he would." That story gave me chills and made me realize the capacity that we as humans have to love.

Maria and I went back to my dad's and said goodbye. Then headed to my mom's. I thought of leaving my dad and of my Grandma's death and cried silent tears on the way back. I sat in my car and texted Sarah until they stopped. Then i went inside and tried to work on homework.

I didn't get all of it accomplished. But I did have a deep, meaningful talk with Josue. We talked about going to church and about building relationships with God and about how wrong we both think it is that people cheat on each other and about how much respect we have for each other. I just really liked all of it and went to bed very happy.

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