April 25, 2013

Easter Break!

Coming back to school after spring break was a bummer, but wasn't so bad as there was just a little more than a week (containing a both chem lecture and chem lab exam) until I returned back home!

I skipped my two Wednesday March 27 classes and took a train home Tuesday after attending my classes. I was proud of myself for working something out and finding a way to get home that wasn't too bad. I took the train from Saint Louis to Bloomington-Normal, Illinois which was 2 hours from Cville. My mom and Dan picked me up there and we rode home listening to disney music the whole way.
I was happy to be home and with my Maggie girl!! Who was very sleepy since it was past her bedtime when we got home.
Wednesday I hung out at school in my mom's classroom. It feels so good going there, getting to hang out with all of the kids who are always very enthused that I am there!

Then once school got out, Josue and I took a trip to Lafayette. We went to Target, Coldstone, and the mall. The idea was kind of a whim, but I'm glad it ended up happening!
Thursday March 28 Josue came over after school to hang out. Then my mom, Dan, Josue, Maria, and I went to a performance at Wabash by a very talented, multi-instrument playing man named Todd Green. Sam Vaught and Shannon Reese were there and it was good to get to catch up with both of them! I was also happy I ended up being able to use an event at Wabash for a paper in one of my classes! Yay for that.

Friday CHS didn't have school, as it was the start of their spring break. Sarah and I went to Little Mexico for lunch. It was delicious food and great getting to hang out with her!! 

Then my mom and I went to wal-mart to get Maggie a new soccer ball! She was quite the happy pup!
That evening Hannah and I went over to Alex's house to visit her. It was also great to see and catch up with the two of them. Alex had just gotten her knee surgery, so we just hung out and chatted. Alex is so strong and brave, but I know it was still painful and going to take time to adjust. It opened my eyes and realized that physical therapists sometimes have to work with patients who are in very painful states, and make them move and exercise regardless of the pain. This has been on my mind ever since and I'm not sure what to make of it, something I hadn't really taken into consideration before. 

Saturday I spent the day with my dad! We went to The Lord's Pantry then came home and baked cakes. My grandma Demeter always, always had a lamb cake for Easter. I loved getting to help decorate it and told my dad that especially since we didn't end up making Christmas cookies, we were going to be making a lamb cake! Frosting it was very frustrating however. We waited and got my Grandma's recipe from my aunt, but my dad didn't follow it exactly. Not only did it not taste quite right, but the consistency was wrong as well and made it difficult to frost. I was very upset and torn. I just wanted to call my Grandma and ask her exactly how to do everything. It was very hard to know we couldn't. We didn't even end up eating the cakes ever, which was also sad.
I saw and hung out Josue for a little bit that evening as well. Then went to a bonfire with Hilary, Colby, their friend Jacob from school, and their friend Liz. It was fun to hear all of their stories from school. I'm so glad I have stayed close friends with so many people from high school and make an effort to see them over breaks. It is always a lot of fun getting together!

Sunday was Easter, and it was hard. First Josue didn't end up joining my dad and I for church, I didn't wake up to my alarm and ended up having to go to church with wet hair, and I felt out of place wearing my fancy dress from seventh grade (yes somehow it miraculously still fits!!). Then there was the fact that both Michael and Maria were out of town. I was so upset that it was Easter and just my dad and I to celebrate it together. I was happy to be with him at least, but so sad and frustrated that we weren't with more family and that Easter wasn't as great as it had always been when I was younger. The holiday and reason for celebrating of course was still important and consistent, but the way we celebrated just didn't live up to previous years. I missed my grandma and grandpa Demeter, dying Easter eggs, eating a big Easter lunch at their house with all of my aunts and uncles and cousins, and hunting for Easter eggs and our Easter baskets. I was glad that my dad decided we should go to brunch at Boulder Creek, but it just wasn't the same. I felt bad because it took me a while to make words of my emotions and explain to my dad that I wasn't being quiet because he had done something wrong, but because I was just upset.

Later that day I went to my mom's house. We were joined by Josue and my aunt Amy and somehow ended up watching lots of episodes of Duck Dynasty. My Aunt Michelle was right, it really is a pretty funny/good show. Then Josue and I went to his house and watched Avatar. 
Monday was also a hard day for me. It was time to head back to Saint Louis. I wasn't ready to go back and everyone seemed high-strung. It did not make for a good mix. As we drove away I let the tears fall on my pillow and later realized my nose wasn't just runny, but had been bleeding. All over my white pillow in the car, another bummer. On our way we picked up Maria from her friend's house in Illinois and continued onward to Saint Louis. We stopped at SLU, ate dinner at Central West End, made a trip to Target, and stayed at the hotel. 

Tuesday morning I was waking up and getting ready, then they were going to drop me off at school and leave. Miraculously (even more so then my dress fitting) I got emails from both of my professors saying that class was canceled! My theology teacher was sick and my english professor had to leave town unexpectedly. I can't say the same for my family, but I was stoaked! I was sooo very happy and excited to not have classes and to be able to spend the day with them after all. Our day consisted of making a trip to the galleria, visiting the Saint Louis basilica (which was absolutely stunning), eating lunch here at Fresh Gatherings, then stopping for gelato at Terra Ve and running into the bookstore. I was so thankful I got to spend the day with them, but still sad they had to leave. 

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