April 6, 2013

Spring Break 2013

Friday March 8 I had abnormal psychology and organic chemistry like always. I also had an academic advising appointment that went very smoothly and got the treat of hanging out with Maggie at Crave between classes! Maggie wasn’t the only one who appreciated having no Spanish class Friday morning due to midterms week!

After classes I went back to my room and finished packing. Then Alex and I loaded up her car and headed home! We stopped at steak n shake for lunch then got to her house. I really really appreciated that she waited around an extra day at school so that I could go home with her! Then my mom and Dan picked me up from her house and we drove three more hours to get home. I was pretty tired, but so excited I couldn’t even sleep!

I was so happy to finally get home and get to see Maria and Maggie! I ate dinner with my mom and Dan then got dressed and went to the theater with Josue. I don’t know how, but this was our first time going to see a movie together. We saw Safe Haven since our plans to see if when I was home a few weeks ago didn’t work out. It was so cute going to the movies with him and him paying for our tickets and the popcorn (which is ridiculously expensive). The movie was really good. It was overall a love story but had a lot of suspense built in that had me clinging to his arm. There was also a character revealed at the end that I did not see coming- I really enjoy when movies (or books) throw something unexpected and unpredictable in.

After the movie ended we went back to my house to say hi to my mom and Dan then went back to Josue’s house to hang out. We talked and cuddled while watching Just Go With It.

Saturday I really wanted to wake up and go to the Lord’s Pantry with my dad and Maria, but it just wasn’t happening. I was needing a good sleep, and slept until about 10 or 11. I went shopping downtown with my mom for upcoming March birthdays in our family then picked Maria up from my dad’s house. We were supposed to hang out, but she wasn’t feeling good. So Josue ended up coming over. My mom, Josue, and I all started out on the couch watching a hallmark movie on tv, but by the time it ended he was lying on the floor and I was asleep sprawled out on the couch. I think my mom was in between. Then we all ate dinner together. 
After eating, Josue went home and Maria and I went to the high school to watch Grease. They did a really great job with it, and the characters were all cast so well! We were both pretty impressed.

I hung out with the family at my mom’s house afterwards (including Michael who had just gotten home from Florida! and also Maggie) before going to my dad’s house for the night. Unfortunately he was already asleep when I got over there so I watched SNL by myself then went to bed too.

Sunday morning my dad and I woke up and went to church. I took a little nap afterwards, then we went to lunch at Little Mexico. Yum! We love the food and the people there very much.

After lunch I brought Maggie to my dad’s house to take her on a walk. It was nice to be able to wear shorts and a tshirt and not even feel too chilly! I thought I was out of shape when I tried to run, but I realized I could be much worse- prime example: Maggie.

I hung out until dinnertime. Then around 8:30 Hannah picked me up and we went to get blizzards at Dairy Queen. I was so happy to see one of my best friends and get to catch up on our lives! She truly is a great friend that has always been dear to me.

After I got home from hanging out with Hannah I spent the rest of the night packing my bag, then hanging out with Josue. We hung out at his house and watched Playing for Keeps. We liked the soccer story in it, and both missed playing the sport that we found to be our first thing in common when we first took a liking to each other J.  I personally also appreciated that Gerard Butler was the main actor. As always when I go home, it was so good to get to spend much of my weekend with Josue (and my family of course) as I had gotten used to my senior year of high school.

Monday morning I woke up early and left with Dan on his way to work. He dropped my off at the airport and I made it through security and to my gate quite easily. Then I waited until they called us to board the plane. We got on about 8:40, but it ended up being 10 until we took off due to maintenance issues that had to be assessed and fixed.

The girl sitting next to me was very sweet. She was on spring break too, her last one. She was currently a student teacher and going to teach first grade in the fall. She told me our aisle was skipped when they passed out drinks and pretzels, but that if I wanted some she would get the flight attendant for me. She also kept me updated on how much time we had when I woke up from my nap since my phone was turned off, asked how my book was, and told me that she brought a ton of bridal magazines with her to look at by the pool because she is getting married next summer!

It wasn’t until we landed and I got off of the airplane that I realized I had flown into a different airport that the one we usually fly to. I wasn’t in the comfort of the well-known Sarasota airport, but instead had to navigate the big Tampa airport.  Somehow I made it on the shuttle from the terminal, then chose the right escalator to take me to the bagging claim I needed to be at. After getting my blue, over-packed, Nike duffel bag I walked outside and found my grandparents’ car waiting by the curb. We were all eager to see each other after a long half a year. My grandma got out of the front seat and hugged me as I tried to put my bags in the trunk, then ended up sitting in the back beside me.

The drive to their house took almost an hour and a half, but it took us much longer including our lovely lunch stop. My grandma kept letting my grandpa know she was very hungry, and voiced an opinion for me as well. He had a restaurant already decided in his mind, which ended up being well worth the wait it took to get there! 

The restaurant was a little French café in Sarasota called C’est la vie. We sat outside, finally getting some Florida sunshine on my pale winter skin that notified our waiter, and surely everyone else, that I was just visiting. He asked where from and I said Indiana, but that I am a student at Saint Louis University. Then my grandpa asked where he was from, and he told us a little bit of everywhere- born in Rhode Island, lived in the Dominican Republic, Michigan, San Diego, and currently Florida. Each time he came to our table my grandpa made conversation with him other than our food, which tasted great! It was fun hearing the small snapshots of our waiter’s life revealed- like that he was a surfer. My grandma, grandpa, and I each ordered a sandwich for lunch. While we waited for them, we satisfied our grumbling stomachs with fresh baked bread. We continued our chatting from the car ride, me updating them on school and my family back home. We also discussed plans for my visit and the different people walking by- as my grandpa told me, he is an observer and likes to people watch. My grandma told me he has always like the pretty women and wasn’t sure why he chose her, but then quickly added as she remembered, that he also liked the smart women. My grandpa just turned to her and said, Mary I thought you were beautiful, and I still do. Although you didn’t do your hair then so I was always combing it and fixing it, and you still never do. We were all pleasantly satisfied by our sandwiches and the salads they came with. My grandpa was telling my grandma he was so impressed that she ate it all, as she continued to urge me to finish mine.

Before getting the bill, my grandpa and I decided we should get dessert, and went inside to pick one out to share between the three of us. Everything made my mouth water, even though my stomach was already full. It all looked so delicious. My grandpa pointed to the one he wanted, and our waiter who happened to be walking by told us he would bring it out to us. When he brought it and the cup of coffee outside, he apologized for the wait and said, “hunger is the best flavor.” We still aren’t really sure what it was that we picked out, but it was good!

We ended up pulling into their driveway a little after 4pm. It was a pretty quiet evening. I tried to hurry down to the pool, but I had already missed the sun and had goosebumps and the breeze brushed my skin. I didn’t really last long before biking back to their house. After my grandma woke up from her nap, we sat on the porch and ate pasta and her infamous sauce. We were all tired from our long day of travel and went to sleep after cleaning up from dinner and watching a little tv.

Tuesday morning the three of us woke up, ate breakfast, and then got ready quickly to go to my grandpa’s dermatologist appointment. My grandma and I didn’t just accompany him to the doctor, but also in the room with him and watched as he got sutures taken out of his face. He didn’t even wince. Being in the office made me miss clinicals from my health careers class.

Sadly, it was raining. Tuesday was not a pool day or beach day. So after eating lunch, my grandma and I went to the Belles outlet and looked around for a while. We both enjoyed it, and I came out with a cute new pair of shoes and shirt!

When we got back to my grandparents’ house, my grandpa was sitting on the porch with the Dahls, old neighbors of my grandparents in Crawfordsville (and technically me, since I used to live with them). I sat with the four of them and listened as they caught up, the wives doing most of the talking.  

We all rested that afternoon, as it continued to be just a rainy, sleepy day. At one point when we were all on the porch my grandpa took a comb out of his pocket and started running it through my grandma’s hair. I found this funny, remembering that we had a picture of his doing this from a year or two ago. My mind also wandered back to the conversation we had during lunch at C’est la Vie.

I was sad that for dinner I didn’t get to wear the dress I brought down because it was too cold, but that didn’t interfere with the tasty food or great company (though I did miss being in Florida with my mom and siblings)! Dinner at Rosebud’s is always on the checklist when we come to visit. They have really good steaks, which is what the three of us shared. However, the best part is hands down the dessert. The waitress always brings the tray of sample (probably plastic?) desserts. I think this visual appeal is much better than just a normal menu. I did not think twice, or hesitate as I ordered crème brulee with three spoons. We were sure to take a picture to send to those that couldn’t be there to savor it. I could, without a doubt, go for some right now!

Wednesday we didn’t have anywhere to be until 10 am, an hour later than we had to be at the dermatologist, so we took our time in the morning sitting on the porch eating coffee cake and listening to my grandpa’s classical radio station as he worked his crossword puzzle.       

Before heading to the 3I picnic (the 3I is a group of residents from Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa that put on a show/play during the year, and this was a picnic to celebrate the end of their year) my Grandpa handed me one of his red Indiana tshirts to put on. It went down to my knees, but I liked having it on. At the picnic everyone was excited to be introduced to me and see me in the Indiana shirt. I met a lot of sweet people, some I recognized, and was also asked if I was in middle school.

The picnic started with coffee and donughts at 10am. It was at a pavilion right next to the beach, but wasn’t quite on the sand. My grandpa and I tried to find the flattest ground to set up bocce on. Cornhole and ladderball were also set up nearby. I joined my grandpa and six others in a game of bocce. It was fun playing, never sure which was the ball would curve. Once our game finished my grandma, who kept score for the game, said that she would play the next game. The excitement and genuine joy in my grandpa’s reaction to hearing this was so heart-warming to witness. However, we didn’t end up finding enough other players so we didn’t get another game in.

While my grandma was sitting down chatting and catching up with some of her friends, my grandpa and I took a quick walk to the beach. We went far enough to watch the brilliant ocean kiss the sea shore time and time again. I wanted nothing more to lay in the sun and play in the inviting ocean, but after a few minutes my grandpa said we had better go back because the food for lunch was almost there. We ate fried chicken, potato salad, and beans (well I just ate the chicken) and I was told that I could have more to eat many times. This was a reoccurring theme throughout my trip, no surprise to me or anyone else who knows my Grandma.

After eating I asked if I could go back to the beach for a little while, and my grandma offered to join me! We walked to the beach and she sat in the chair while I laid in the sun. I came prepared wearing my swimsuit, but had forgotten a towel so I spread out the XL Indiana tshirt on the sand and laid on top of it. My desire for the sun to warm my soul and kiss my skin was just beginning to be satisfied. It was peaceful finally lying on the sound and listening to the ocean. My grandma told me that when she was in college she used to spend time at the beach with her best friend Addy. Her college required them to wear tights/stockings (as well as gloves) but her skin would get so dark that she could get away without wearing her tights/stockings.

When we walked back to the pavilion they were just finishing up their meeting. My grandma and I were both glad we missed the majority of it. Around 2 o’clock it was over and time to head home.

My grandparents rested (eventually my grandpa went to play bocce though) and I went to the pool to continue to soak up as many rays as I could. When I first got there, I had to lie on the ground but eventually someone that was leaving offered me their chair. I was grateful for that kind gesture, and much happier on the chair. While I lay there I listened to music, read Fault in Our Stars, and eavesdropped as I heard excitement buzzing about that we had a new pope!

For dinner Wednesday night we went to Mama Leone’s for pizza! Of course, we couldn’t pass up dessert so we finished our meal with tiramisu. Both were delicious.  During dinner, and other times throughout my visit, my grandma told me that she wishes, and hopes I marry someone like my grandpa. Her reasoning differed when she would say this, but it was always either someone as patient as him or someone with an adventurous spirit who liked to get out and do things as he does.

Dinner ended just in time to drive to the jetty for the sunset! It was chilly, and the wind blowing made it worst. The three of us walked arm in arm down the jetty as far as my grandma could take it, then we turned around before watching the sunset because it was just so cold. We were waiting in the parking lot, but I left my grandparents for a minute to walk back and get a closer picture as the sun colored the sky and kissed the water’s edge. However, I walked back to an even more beautiful, precious, and remarkable sight-my grandma holding onto my grandpa so she didn’t blow away, and my grandpa wrapping both his arms around her, doing all he could to keep her warm. I was not the only one to notice, for when we got back in the car my grandma told me a woman had walked passed them and asked how long they had been married.

Once we got back to their house, we spent the rest of our evening facetiming Aunt Wendy and trying to get warm!

Thursday was the day I went home, but we made the most of the time we had together before leaving for the airport. At breakfast I mentioned the one thing I hadn’t crossed off my list to do (which was pretty short) was going to the Nokomis Grove and asked if we would be able to stop on the way to their airport since it was in that direction. My grandpa decided it might be easier to just go that morning so after breakfast we got ready and headed to the Grove. My hopes were shot as we pulled up and I saw the ice cream part was not opened. We walked inside the store part and realized the ice cream stand opened at 11am which was in less than ten minutes! What luck! My grandma and I both ordered ice cream cones- I got my usual vanilla and orange twist in a waffle cone and my grandma got a small orange ice cream cone. We were both shocked that my grandpa turned down ice cream, and he was equally as shocked that we were eating ice cream at 11 am when it was only 55 degrees outside.  He assumed that I wanted to go to the store/souvenir part of the grove, not for ice cream. We sat on the bench and enjoyed my very favorite ice cream. The orange ice cream is made (daily?) and from the oranges growing across the street in their grove.

On our way home from the grove we stopped at Belles outlet once more. My grandma and I ran in to exchange a shirt she purchased on Tuesday and find a pair of jeans for me, because she was adamant on buying me a pair even though I told her I really had many at home, and that the capris I brought with me are the only ones with holes in them. Needless to say, we came out with a shopping bag!

We spent the rest of the day eating lunch at their house and resting before the long drive to the airport. I was sad to leave the sunshine (even though there was a lack of it the days I was there), but mostly my grandparents. I was so thankful that I got to see them and spend time with them, rather than waiting 2 more months until we were all back in Crawfordsville!

I checked in my bag, took the airport shuttle, and made it through security all successfully on my own. I figured I still had some time to kill and after debating, went to starbucks. There was a line and the drink I ordered wasn’t as sweet as I remembered it to be, but I was happy with my decision. When I got to my gate I was confused at the lack of people sitting around me. Just as I began to approach the nearest flight attendant and ask her, she got on an intercom and said “fight to Indianapolis paging passengers Madeline Demeter and a few other names.” I quickly sprang up and rushed over, presenting her with my ticket. I walked towards the back of the plane to find that someone was in my seat. The flight attendant asked me to take my seat, so I explained to her that someone was sitting in it. We figured out that someone was sitting in his seat, so he just sat on mine (why he didn’t ask the person sitting in his seat to move instead of creating more of a problem I’m not sure). Eventually though we got it worked out and the plane took off. I was feeling a little worried, like there were so many signs trying to keep me off the plane that something was probably going to go wrong. Fortunately this was just a worry that held no truth.

I finally relaxed and continued to read John Green’s Fault in Our Stars. It was the book Morgan sent me in the care package that came on Valentine’s Day. I loved it!! I loved John Green’s writing and descriptions. I loved the way it made me think about things I hadn’t much before. I loved the hope and honesty woven into the characters’ lives. But mostly, of course, I loved Augustus Waters and the love between him and Hazel Grace. (And the love each of their parents had for them as well). Augustus was so sweet and intellectual and charming and always ready to take Hazel on an adventure and fulfill her dreams. I had fun trying to make a formula (well a fraction) of all the guys I know that I imagined to blend together to create exactly how I imagined the image and mannerisms and voice and conversations of Augustus that weren’t shown in the book. Also, as I read I tended to see his name as August Walters instead. Whoops. And I always want to title the book Found among the stars. Also wrong.

At the Indy airport I felt welcomed home seeing a Wabash College table set up near the backage claim area. Growing up in Crawfordsville, Wabash has always been a part of my life- I have been to many sports games and went on many family bike rides through campus. It seemed that no matter where I went, no one had heard of Crawfordsville, Indiana but someone always had heard of, or had a connection to Wabash. Coming to SLU that has been one thing that was hard to accept/adjust to, because I figured Wabash would be common knowledge with many people.

Dan picked me up from the airport and I spent the rest of Thursday evening hanging out and talking with my mom, Dan, and Josue. It was good to see all of them, as I hadn’t really gotten to spend that much time with them all before I left for Florida.

Friday morning I slept in. After waking up, spending time with Maggie, and getting ready, I went to my mom’s classroom. I love to visit her classroom. The kids in her class are so sweet and welcoming. I received many hugs, and one girl said wow you’re so tiny! as she wrapped her arms around me. I liked giving spelling tests to kids that were absent and when one girl sat asked if she could read books to me.

Friday evening I hung out with my dad! Of course we went to Little Mexico for dinner. Then we went back to his house to watch tv, talk, and work on Sudoku puzzles.

I went back to my mom’s house later that night and hung out with her until she couldn’t stay awake any longer.

Saturday morning I woke up very early and went to my dad’s house to go with him and Maria to volunteer at the Lord’s Pantry. Maria and I hadn’t gotten the chance to go together in a while, which was fun. I was happy to go and be able to spend my Saturday morning serving.

After getting back I didn’t even take a nap, which was difficult. Instead, I hung out with Josue. We both went to my mom’s house and watched tv and played with Maggie.

Morgan came over and joined my mom, Dan, and I for dinner. We had lots of good, and humorous conversations including a debate about over-feeding goldfish.

After dinner my mom, Morgan, and I went to Wabash to try to watch the belly flop splash contest. It didn’t really go so well because we couldn’t see and didn’t want to find our way close enough to see. But it was still quite the adventure for the three of us.

Morgan and I waited for Sam to come back to campus, but eventually decided we would just show up at his house instead. When we first got there we stood in his kitchen and watched the end of  the D3 national champ game. We were all so proud of our loved friend Alex Gasaway (who played with a torn ACL) and her team for winning! She is such a good athlete and team player, always full of determination and giving everything she has. After it ended, we spent the rest of the evening talking. It is fun getting together and sharing stories from our three different schools and discussing our roommates, classes, and student life on campus.

We left Sam’s house and spent the night at my mom’s house. We were both disappointed that I couldn’t find 21 Jump Street, but no fear I will be sure that Morgan watches it when we are home together for the summer!! I was so happy to get to spend such quality time with one of my very best friends! Though I’m thankful we frequently keep in touch through texting, it was much better being together in person!

Sunday morning (March 17) we woke up and got ready for church. Morgan’s cute St. Patrick’s day dress inspired me to dress cute as well. I was excited to wear one of the dresses I got for Christmas for the first time.

After church Josue came over to hang out. I just really like when he is there while I am packing. It makes it more fun and less stressful, even though it is hard knowing I’m about to go back to school and leave his side.

Josue and I stopped at Dari Licious before I dropped him off and went to my dad’s house. My dad was ready for the long drive ahead of us, so we packed my bags in the car and drove away. During the car ride and slept and worked on studying for my theology midterm that was on Tuesday.

When we got to SLU, my dad helped me carry my things to my room. Then we shared dinner together at Cini. I was happy we got to eat dinner, but sad he had to leave me back at school. I had a difficult week ahead of me, but it was better knowing that Easter break would be upon us soon and I’d be going back to Crawfordsville!

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