April 30, 2013

"You've got my attention, here's my affection for you" -Matt Costa

A few months ago somehow Albert, who was convinced I prefer 80’s pop music over anything, and I were talking about music. The conversation ended up leading to Matt Costa somehow and Albert asking me if I knew he was coming to Saint Louis. We looked it up and I was so very excited! I said I wanted to go and Albert said he’d join me, but I wasn’t so sure it would happen. A few weeks ago we walked to the Firebird to purchase our tickets. I was worried it was too late and they would be sold out, but we walked away each $15 shorter, and proudly holding a ticket for the concert in our hands.
I must add that years before this, when life wasn’t so busy, and I used to get to spend a lot more time with my cousins, I was constantly being shaped by my cousin Amy. If I remember correctly she is the person who influenced me to improve my handwriting, paint my bedroom walls red, and cut two random pieces of hair shorter than the rest and wear them down in my face (well off to the side a little). I looked up to her and thought everything she did was great, because she was (and still is! I just don’t get to see her as often). This included music. Amy is the one I must thank for introducing me to Jack Johnson, John Mayer, and Matt Costa- three of my very favorite artists.

So a few days ago Wednesday April 24, the day of the concert finally arrived! We both had chem lab that afternoon, as well as our regular MWF classes before that. It was a long chem lab that lasted the entire three hours, but then we were free! Not only free from experiment #11, but from chem lab entirely! It was our last one of the semester, a definite call for celebration!

I went back to my dorm to shower and get ready to go to Matt Costa! I showered and had time to curl a few pieces of hair and apply make-up, both things that I am too lazy to do daily. I also slipped on one of my favorite dresses, which I was determined to wear regardless of the chilly weather, and my bright orange TOMs from North Carolina. When we were about to leave and he saw me, Albert felt underdressed and asked if he should wear jeans. This is a big deal, as I have literally only seen Albert in pants 3 times. Ever. (and once was just a few hours earlier for chem lab because we are required to or won’t be allowed in to lab). I told him no way, that I just wanted to take the chance to wear my dress and that his outfit choice was fine!
We left about 7:20ish and walked through SLU’s campus, then through the campus of Harris Stowe, and were soon near the Firebird close to downtown Saint Louis. As we walked I tried my best to capture the moonrise and the radiant sunset. I did so, but was unable to really do justice to either.
When we got there around 7:45 we opened the door into the darkness, and saw few people inside. We decided to wait around outside a little while until more cars showed up and more people started going in. We showed our tickets and ids to guys standing behind a counter at the door and received big, dark permanent Xs drawn across our hands, spanning from our pinky knuckles to the edge of the gap between our index fingers and thumbs. Not a lot was going on, and it besides more people trickling in and heading to the bar, it stayed this way until a little after 8:30. We knew our tickets said the doors opened at 7:30 and the show started at 8:30, but we wrongly assumed that was when Matt Costa would start to play.
First a local from named Sam Fickie played. We remained where we had been standing, and ended up being in the front row about 5 feet from the stage. Sam’s voice was different sometimes sweet and quiet and then sometimes pretty loud and straining, but I really liked his songs. His lyrics were cute and about a girl, which is cuteee and relatable. I wish I could remember more, but I know that one line from one song was “we go together like polka and dots” and for some reason I just thought that was real great. He also sang a song called Saint Louis Misery that I could relate to pretty well currently with lyrics saying, “Well then what if we just ran away, find the place where east meets west and stay, and what if we are happy there, we can build a world with nothing but tomorrow and each other to call our own, […] And I don’t really care where we end up, just so long as its far far away from Saint Louis misery.” The best though was when he said this is a cover dedicated to all the guys here and he played Taylor Swift’s 22! Yay for that song!
Then the opening band that was traveling with Matt Costa played some songs. The Blank Tapes, what a group.  As they started to play, people came closer and now we were in the front row about 2 feet away. On the Firebird’s website the band was described as being, “the moniker of Los Angeles & San Francisco based musician & artist, Matt Adams, who has produced over 10 albums of 1960's psychedelic-surf-pop-folk-rock on an old 8 track cassette tape recorder in various garages, basements, sheds & bedrooms across the California Coast.” I’d say they lived up to this. They two guys had long hair, as did the girl in the band. She was the drummer and danced with her whole body as she rocked forward to keep the beat of the drum. I was glad Albert liked their feel, but I was just ready for Matt Costa!
Matt Costa’s band set up and did sound checks on the instruments and mics. Then a little while later they went off stage, and on walked a confused but very cute Matt Costa! I was cheesing sooo big then, and the rest of the night. Soon they were all on the same page and all on stage to open the concert with Mr. Pitiful, a great song. 
Albert and I managed to move forward with the group and keep our spot in the front row! (close enough that towards the end when I got warm I took my northface off and laid it on the stage) It was so great! We were literally right up at the stage’s edge. Whenever possible, Albert was so sweet and switched me spots so that I had the better view. Matt and his band played many newer songs that I had acquainted myself in the weeks leading up to the concert, and also many familiar songs that I have been singing along with for years. These included Astair, Witchcraft, Sunshine, Ophelia, and Behind the Moon. I’m pretty sure that during/after performing Behind the Moon was when people just got excited and started howling and wooping kind of, so that brought Matt to talk about the full moon being the next night and also about how they had played earlier at Vinyl Record store at the Loop and there they met Raven Paw or Raven Wolf from Saint Louis, who was a warewolf and played music. Then Danny, one of his guitarists, told Matt they should play the next song for him, so Matt dedicated it to Raven Wolf or Paw (I can’t remember) and said he really was a great guy. 
Pretty quick into the concert, Matt Costa took his tweed sport coat off (which he wore so well!) to reveal a green sweater with birds on it. He told us it was getting hot up there, but also that he was inspired to buy the sweater because of his song Clipped Wings, because the birds on it were chickadees and they do not have wings to being with. Then he proceeded to play the song for us. He also introduced his band, saying he was from California and so were the rest of them, well besides Jay who played the pedals. Someone asked where he was from and Matt said to guess. (I really like when people let me guess things/guess when I ask them too). It was revealed that he was from Seattle! Matt declared, “yes, who would have know that they had such handsome pedal players in Seattle” and continued to refer to him as Handsome Jay the rest of the show. 
When Matt Costa played Miss Magnolia, which is a great happy song to begin with, he stepped down off the stage still strumming his guitar and alternating between the harmonica and singing. He walked around a little while and stood in the middle of the crowd finishing the song. It was so fun! 

As they were getting ready to play another song one of his guitarists had his phone out and was facetiming, showing the crowd to the person on the other end. As Matt sat back down to the keyboard he noticed and said, “Oh is that your lady?” It was so sweet! The guitarist set the phone upwards using a towel while he played, then picked it up and waved goodbye at the end. This occurred during the song Good Times. Also before playing it Matt told us “I’ll teach you the chorus it’s pretty easy,” then turned his head back around before starting to play on the keyboard and told us, “what I’m saying is I need your help.” I didn’t only sing along to this song, but all of the ones I knew as well. Albert, who is fairly new to his music, even sung along to some! 

It was so cute when Matt was about to play Sweet Rose, and told us that we could dance to this one, or shuffle a little bit. It doesn’t sound great as I type it out, but coming from his mouth it was so cute! 

My favorite was probably a song I wasn’t even previously familiar with, Mobile Chateau. The story, and the way he told it was just so cute and perfect. First he was very confusing, telling us he was going to tell us the story, then telling us he would tell it backwards, then debating wether or not he should do that. Ultimately he decided to tell it a little backwards, and explained that this was because he had recently told it and someone said they would rather him take them first to Long Beach, California and then end in the south of France instead of vice versa. He proceeded to tell us that he was in Long Beach, California (which excited a girl in the front row who screamed with excitement saying that she was born there. He pointed to Danny, one of his guitarists and said he gets excited when Long Beach is brought up, then told how his drummer had family from there as well, and “now we are all talking about where we are from, everyone loves to talk about where they are from but enough small talk”) at his new-mother-in-law’s house/apartment. He emphasized his “new-mother-in-law” telling us that he was in her bedroom with the keyboard and when he’s around a keyboard he just gets very excited and his foot starts tapping and he wants to beat on the keys and play. As much as he enjoys it, his new-mother-in-law’s neighbors do not, especially at 7 in the morning. So she received a call and he had to create a song that was quiet, but he said just imagine what could have come of the song if we never got that call. Then he took us back to two weeks prior to that, which was what he was actually writing the song about and trying to capture with the song. He said that he was in the south of France with his wife on their honeymoon. And that they stayed in a chateau, which was half of the title right there already. Then he said that his wife kept making mobiles that hung in their room. And the night would come and the mobiles would move in front of the window and the stars would move fast. Then he smiled and admitted to us that two months before he hadn’t planned on marrying her, two months before he hadn’t even planned on marrying her. But it all happened so fast (just as quickly as the stars of the mobiles were), that it was hard to believe it had indeed happened, and this song he wrote to captivate it all. The whole time he was telling their sweet story, he was strumming his guitar. Then once he finished speaking he started singing, never ceasing the strumming. 

We were all sad when the show was over, but all remained standing where we were and continued cheering even after they had left the stage. As a crowd, we were all pleased and filled with happiness when we saw the off-stage door swing back open and were greeted by Matt Costa’s sweet face. He has an old-proper-gentleman essence about him. I love it. He is very laid back and seems so kind, full-hearted, and just happy. He was very captivating, and I have been listening to his music more now than ever before, and also listen to commentary and interviews with him because I just really like him and all that he is. When he walked back on stage he opened his beer, took a sip, and said mmm that’s some good stuff. Then a girl in the front row help up her glass and said cheers, so he clanked his beer bottle with it. It was perfect and I think really tells just what kind of a musician he is and how the concert itself was, very laid back and intimate. He finished the show by playing an encore that included Vienna, Cold December, and Lullaby. All older, but great songs. The rest of the guys in the band came back and joined him as well for the last song, though I have forgotten what it was.
I was filled with such a happy heart and fond of the music carrying on in my soul as Albert and I made the walk back to school. It was the best concert I have ever been to, even better than Jack Johnson who is my all-time favorite singer. 

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