December 14, 2013

My last days at SLU

Thursday December 5 I spent time in the library researching for my philosophy paper. Then that evening Maggie and I joined Danielle and Elya for trivia. It was snowing and cold but we decided to give it a try anyways. We had so much fun and did decent on most rounds!
Friday December 6 was our last morning physiology lecture. I woke up to my alarm at 7:06 like I did every other Monday, Wednesday, Friday. But this time by phone had fallen off my bed during the night. I could hear my alarm going off and was awake, but it took my so long to dig through the storage boxes under my bed and find my phone. I was proud to be awake and going to be on time for once to that class, then somehow Maggie and I both fell asleep and didn’t wake up until much later, too late to go to class. Whoops. My 11pm psychology class was also canceled so I got to spend my morning waking up slowly and even had a grapefruit for breakfast, so good.
Maggie and I decided to go to the afternoon physiology lecture. Then Elya joined us and we went to the APO Christmas event at the Cupples House. It was really pretty seeing it all decorated by other members of APO for Christmas. We walked around admiring the stunning house and beautiful decorations while sipping hot chocolate.
Maggie had something to go to, so I spent time working on my philosophy paper and blogging and making snowflakes! I decided the white wouldn’t stick out enough on the wall, so ended up painting them then hanging them on the lights of our Christmas tree!
Elya came over after she did some studying. I had a lot of fun hanging out and talking with her, not just casually chatting, but talking about things that really mattered in our lives. Then Maggie and Danielle returned and we baked cookies and hung out until we were all tired.
Saturday night we went to the BNS concert, the all male acapella group on campus that our friend Evan is in. They did a great job!

Sunday December 8 I went to the library for a writing appointment to have someone help me look over my philosophy paper, even though it wasn’t quite finished. It was really helpful and made me feel good about what I had done. The girl gave me a lot of direction and helped me organize the information I had left into my paper. The paper was something I was really passionate for and excited about, which is the ban on pitbulls. I was arguing against it, the more I researched it, the more ridiculous I found it. I sat in the library and finished it up then met Maggie for mass. 

After mass, Sarah, Elya, and Olivia met us at the church and we walked to the City Diner for dinner! I ordered deep fried French toast with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, and it didn’t disappoint!
Monday I turned in my paper and took the physiology exam. Then I made chicken and Alex joined Maggie and I for dinner.

Tuesday was the campus-wide study day, but all that I had left was my easiest final. During the beginning of October I had contacted a couple of different organizations near SLU asking if I could volunteer with them. Well over Thanksgiving break Prison Performing Arts contacted me back saying they hadn’t seen my email because of their spam folder, but they would love the help. I was so bummed. It is such an awesome organization that helps those currently or previously incarcerated and gives them a chance to become involved in different forms of art. However, I was transferring schools so I didn’t have the chance. After explaining this in my reply, I emailed again a few minutes later remembering that I did have a few free days between my finals. I agreed to come in Tuesday December 10 from 10am-4pm. That was a long day and I had no idea what I was agreeing to, but I was excited! I figured why spend my day in my apartment when I could help make a difference and be a part of something better. I was so thankful Alex drove me so I didn’t have to walk. I pressed the call button and soon a smiling woman came to meet me at the door. She told me her name was Shelby and that I was going to be working with her today. We went to her office where she showed me the post card she was finishing up, an invite to the two productions being put on in the jails in Vandalia. It looked great! Then we got the supplies we needed and went to the fourth floor. The way she described the room we were going to work in was not a let down once I saw it with my own eyes. We set up a small round table in the big open room with hardwood floors and big windows looking out onto the city. It was perfect! I felt like I was in White Collar helping Mozzie and Neal with their latest project. But in reality, Shelby and I were folding letters (I think 680 to be exact), then stuffing them into the matching envelope. Occasionally we would hit a rough patch that was out of corresponding order, but eventually things always worked out for us. We also sealed and stamped some of them, they weren’t all finished by the time I had to leave. During our work we talked about my decision to change schools and majors and how she came to Saint Louis from Tulsa. I was surprised when she told me she was half Native American and that her grandpa or great grandpa was the only person living in Tulsa when it became a city, that’s so cool! We also talked about how she had recently taking up a rowing club and it was so much fun. I told her I’d always wanted to go sailing and she told me to definitely try to look into that. Throughout the day she also recommended I check out the Cheshire Inn in Saint Louis and For lunch she ordered us Jimmy John’s sandwiches and when it was time for me to go she gave me 2 CDs from PPA and a newsletter and bookmark. I was glad I got to spend some time volunteering there, but still wished I had more time to be involved with their organization.
That evening Maggie and Elya made chili that I ate before spending my evening with Alex and her family! I love her family. Since the day I met them they have made me feel really welcomed and like I belong. They invited my to go with them on a horse driven carriage ride through a Winter Wonderland in Tillie park. We were all bundled up and had blankets piled on us while we admired all of the Christmas lights in the park. I loved her brother’s excitement, but we were all amazed and had a good time as well. Afterwards we went to Starbucks to warm up. Alex and I both got carmel brulee lattes, they were really good.

When we got back to SLU Alex and I watched movies playing on tv while she studied. Then, especially since her roommate was gone, we decided I should definitely spend the night and have a sleepover. It was so much fun! We really missed being each others roommates this year.

Wednesday I went to lunch at Diablitos with Maggie, Elya, Bridget, Ellie, and Erin. Though the food wasn’t the best and they were stingy by not giving free chips and salsa (I mean come on, really?) the company was good!

Wednesday evening my dad came to Saint Louis and took me to dinner on The Hill! I was happy to get to see him. We went to Rigazzis. It wasn’t my favorite restaurant we have tried there, but it was still good food.
Thursday December 12 I went with Alex to meet her sister Katie for lunch at Olive Garden. Again, the food was really good but I was so full from eating out so much already that week. We spent the rest of the day at Target, then the mall with her mom, brother, and grandma. Her mom was helping her grandma Christmas shop and mostly we hung out with Peyton.

When we got back I studied for my psych exam the next morning and worked a lot on packing. Alex came over and was a huge help with the packing. We also went up to visit Albert and see his room for a little while.

Friday December 13 I woke up early for my 8am psych final. It seemed to go fairly well, hopefully, although I think I might not have done well in my studying trying to distinguish centralization/decentralization structure and formal/informalization. Whoops. When I got back I took a quick shower then met my mom and Dan downstairs. They carried stuff to the car as I continued to pack up the last minute stuff like my shoes and bedding. Alex also came over and again, was awesome and really helpful! Throughout the process, Elya and Olivia also came over to say goodbye and Albert at the last minute too. I am so thankful for all of my awesome friends that I have made at SLU. I have so many good memories with them and will definitely miss them. They all walked with me downstairs for a final picture and goodbye hugs. I quickly dropped my mailbox key off at the mail services with Alex, then said goodbye to SLU as we pulled away and headed to Indiana for the last time as a student there (I hope to make it back for a weekend visit next semester).

When we got into town we picked up Maggie from the kennel and unloaded the van. Josue came over to hang out, but soon my mom had to leave so it was just Dan, Josue, and I. Over Arni’s pizza and the pacers game we talked about different manager styles, famous athletes Dan had met, and also the (dysfunctional) jail system in America (prompted by listening to one of the CDs that Shelby gave me about Act V of Hamlet being put on in a jail with their organization).  I was really happy to be back home again. It feels like any other break though, and that I will return to my life at SLU eventually even though I know I won't.

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