July 1, 2012

Hoosier Hero

Thursday May 10 was a crazy day. After school I hurried home and got ready. Then we picked up my grandparents and headed to Indianapolis.

I am one of ten winners of the Indiana Dollars for Scholars' Hoosier Hero scholarship. I wrote about my Grandma Ludwig in the category of service. There were 5 categories (2 winners for each). Both my grandma and I were recognized at the banquet.

When we got there we stood outside in a gathering area by my poster that they had made and greeted people that came in attendance like my Aunt Amy, superintendent Kathy Steele, and principal Mr. Hunt.

Then we went inside the banquet room and ate dinner and watched a video with pictures of all of the students and their heros. It had a voice in the background reading excerts from our essays, telling each of our stories.

Then I had to give a speech! They had called about a month earlier asking if I would represents the students and give a speech. They asked me to write it about what my hero means to me, my reaction from knowing i was a recipient, the value of education to me, and my future plans. I was a little nervous giving it in front of everybody, but ended up being really thankful for getting the chance to do that. It was really special. Then we were announced and each given our plaques/awards.

Then we drove home to get ready for another day of school before the weekend.

Here is the speech I wrote and gave that night:

Everyday after driving home from school, before turning into my driveway I stop by our mailbox which is across the street and get the mail. However, one winter day I did not. When I got home from gymnastics practice that evening my mom greeted me holding a big envelope. I am always excited when I receive mail, but this time excited was an understatement. I noticed the envelope was from Indiana Dollars to Scholars. I ripped it open as quickly and carefully as possible to read that I was a winner of the Hoosier Hero Scholarship! I was so surprised and full of joy and called my grandparents right away to share the news!
After dialing the long distance number to Florida where they spend their winters, I told them I had something exciting to tell them. They each held a telephone up to their ears so they could hear it first-hand from me, at the same time. My grandma asked if she should sit down and I said yes that might be good. Then I told them! I told them I had won a Hoosier Hero scholarship, writing about grandma. I could hear the smiles in their voices as they congratulated me. In the midst of talking about my Grandma, my writing, the upcoming banquet, my Grandma suddenly stopped to ask what my middle name was. I told her Ann, and she told me she was just so excited she couldn’t remember. After getting back on topic and talking a while, we said our goodbyes and I shared my thrilling news with many others.
I also paused, recalling the day when my mom brought home a flyer about a scholarship that required you to write about a Hoosier Hero. The due date was still far off, but I started thinking of who my essay would be about. A teacher? A coach? Lucious Newsome, the founder of the Lord’s Pantry? Ah Mary Ludwig! To some it is simply a name. To others, a local doctor known for treating patients without charge and giving away an apple with every visit. But most importantly, to me, she is Grandma.
My family has always been close-knit. I am thankful that of my grandparents four children, my mom is the one who ended up back in Crawfordsville. Being raised and living in Crawfordsville has allowed a close personal relationship with my Grandparents. They have been able to attend various school events, been guest speakers in my classes, gone to church together, and shared many meals.
My grandma does a great job of preparing food for our family (and offering it even if we have just eaten or if it is the middle of the night and we have just gotten to their house after a long day of traveling). But more importantly, my she provides us with love and support, and encourages us to fulfill our potential in everything we are involved with, especially school.
Her education is still very important to her, and she is one of the people who have instilled the value of education in my life. I have always worked hard in school, excelling in art and writing classes. My teachers and classmates have taught me a lot and helped me grow in so many ways. I have also learned many valuable lessons through personal experiences and everyday life. In the fall I will continue onward with my formal education, no longer as a Crawfordsville Athenian, but as a Saint Louis University Biliken. At Saint Louis University I am going to major in physical therapy, a career that will ultimately lead me to help others. This fits in well with the university’s mission of service. However, I am lucky to already have a personal connection to someone so strong and prominent in the area of serving others. My grandma has not only taught me the importance of it, has also touched my heart and taught me to love.

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