August 15, 2011

I love my best friend. I love TOMS. I love eating. I love music. && I love blogging about it all and having lots of pictures.

Yesterday was Sunday August 14.

I woke up and walked Hannah out, but hardly remember being awake during it. I fell back asleep for a little while, then got up and got ready for church. In his homily, Fr. Dennis talked about being stubborn and being wrong sometimes. I tried really hard to listen to the connection he made, but didn't get it all the way, although I do know at least that it had to do with the apostles being wrong, but a woman's persistence saved her daughter from dieing? In the Gospel reading I think.

We picked up Sarah, and my dad, Maria, and I were off to do some shopping. We headed towards Lafayette and made it all the way to the Lindy Freeze for my dad to get an ice cream cone. Then, we turned around and headed to Indy. I still feel guilty and bad about this. But I guess there's nothing to be done about it now.

Once we got to Castleton mall, Sarah and I's first mission was to buy TOMS. TOMS are more than just cute shoes. They are a part of a one for one movement, so when you buy a pair it also purchases a pair for a child in need. I bought a brown pair from Shi and Sarah bought a brown pair from Journey's (even though the guy that helped us in Shi told us Journey's were all sold out and if we were lucky we could get a men's pair). Then, we brought them to the Style your Sole event where local artists would paint whatever we wanted on the shoes for free! It took us a while to decide what we wanted, but I got a sailboat and Sarah a flower. We left them there and walked around the mall while we waited.

Sarah was doing her back to school shopping and got 2 pairs of jeans and a pair of Nikes along with her TOMS. We also stopped at the food court and shared an Asian entree for lunch.

Then, finally, after about two hours, our shoes were done! We are both so happy with them and love them very much.

Before going home, we stopped at Michael's where I bought fabric markers and Joann's Fabric where I bought three different colors of fabric. All for my senior jeans.

On our way into town, Sarah and I read that Rancho Bravo had a mariachi band and instantly decided to go to dinner. We compared it to Little Mexico which we preferred food and service and decor wise. But the music was really funny. It was loud and hard to hear each other over. But the guys were cracking us up. Especially when Sarah pulled the camera out.

Sarah and I both had other plans, that for different reasons fell through. So we decided to hang out, and I'm so glad. A night with the best doesn't compare to anything else. We went to her house for a while and watched Keeping up with the Kardashians. It was so funny when her dad joined us.

Then we went back to my dad's with Emma and Maria. We played rummy and ate pop corn and played with Emma's ipad and talked. But then the younger two decided to go to bed because they wanted to practice getting up early for school. Sarah and I told them they're fools and we're all gonna be tired and worn out from school anyways. But we let them. And we were soon to follow, because it was a long day for us too. A long, exciting day. Especially without me taking a single nap!

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