June 7, 2011

here comes the sun, here comes the sun

This morning I came home from spending the night with Steph to find a startling surprise on my bed. My clothes were still folded and in sorted piles for the night before. But there was a blanket, balloon, and scarf that was definitely not there the night before.

Maria and I have been hiding the pink scarf back and forth in each others rooms for a long time. Usually we put it in a place to not be found for a couple of weeks, not in an obvious spot. I give her credit for this because of the creativity she and her friends put forth in it. She then told me, "we wanted to make your blog."

After watching Uncle Jesse tell Rebecca he loves her for the first time on Full House, I picked up Sarah and we went to my grandparents' for the afternoon. We tried so hard to not get wet as we crept onto our rafts.

But not long after, put all of our effort to waste and got wet by jumping off the board.

We floated around the pool for hours soaking up sun and listening to Jack Johnson. Maria and Emma were also there. And Michael and Trent. They all enjoyed the water as well as the whale raft. My mom and her friends laid in the chairs. They are said to be "grown up chairs." And today I was okay with that.

At three, Sarah and I left the pool. We stopped by the Wabash Quickmart to get red and blue slushes. We also bought carmel apple pops (like the ones "in the bottom of the trunk" in the warrior unit camp song). It was a surprise we ended up getting them because I was the one who did the asking this time. Then, we played some Just Dance and took a short nap.

I ate dinner earlier than the rest of the family who ate with my Grandparents. This was so I could go play tennis. Hilary was going, so I figured I'd show up too. Not many people were there, which was kind of nice. Being on jv, during the season I didn't get much direct, individual coaching. But tonight, Jeff worked with just me. He taught my top spin and fed me lots of forehands and backhands to practice it on. Then Hilary, Hannah, AJ, and I played some doubles drills led by Hadley. Two hours later, we left. Hilary and I drove through the grass instead of reversing and driving in the parking lot. Sometimes, even if it's something little, it feels good to be a little rebellious.

I came home and showered, and uploaded pictures to Facebook. Now I am blogging and watching Wedding Caze with Maria.

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